Pioneer Of English Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2024 Describe a development in your country like shopping centre/park ?

Describe a development in your country like shopping centre/park ?

Describe a development in your country like shopping centre/park?

new development

IELTS Cue Card

Describe a development in your country like shopping centre/park?

You should say:

  • What is the development?
  • When you heard about it?
  • How did it influence you?


Sample answer (new development):


Ever since the technological development took place in the 20th century, there have been immense changes in the lifestyle of people. They have access to various sources of entertainment, gadgets and gizmos, communication, education, etc. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to talk about a new development in my locality.

What is the development?

It is a newly opened park which is known as the “company garden”. The construction of this development was commenced last year by our local council and completed last month. It is divided into two sections, one for the aged people and the other one is for the toddlers and children. In both these sections,  there are various facilities such as water filters, gymnastic, eateries, etc. Special seats are also arranged for older people on the either sides of the footpath.

Furthermore, continuous soothing music plays in this park which gives a unique vibe to the people walking here. Other than that, in the junior section there are numerous swings such as see-saw, merry-go-round, trapeze rings, mazes and slides etcetera. Moreover, there are maths puzzle (like counting beads) to solve on the park fences. Anyone one can spend there leisure time in this serene and tranquil place.   

When you heard about it?

I heard about it last month in the meeting of our locality.

 How did it influence you?

It influenced me a lot when I visited here. As I go for morning walks with my friends on a regular basis, thus these facilities were alluring and mind calming. My friends and I enjoy a lot in this park and we spend quality time here. As we know, ability to laugh together is the essence of love and the best opportunity for this is provided by friends and family. They give us with strength and support, courage and confidence, love and affection. Thus this park is the best development that has been in my life.

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