Pioneer Of English Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2024 Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot?

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot?

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot?

Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot?

IELTS Cue Card

You should say:

  • Who this person is?

  • How do you know him/her?

  • What he/she like to talk about?

  • And explain how you feel about this person.



Although I have met numerous loquacious individuals in my life, one of them is unique and hence worth mentioning.

Who this person is?

He is none other than my best friend, Harman.

How do you know him/her?

We both met at a time in our lives when we were at the threshold of unknown worlds that lay ahead of us. We went to the same school, and today we share a great bond. He is highly educated, extremely sophisticated, and well-cultured. We have spent the golden days of our lives together. Moreover, the greatest virtues of humankind—honesty, integrity, and kindness; dedication, devotion, and discipline towards any work; empathy, compassion, and friendliness towards each other—have always been his greatest strengths and have been imbibed in me through him.

What he/she like to talk about?

He is an altruist by nature and likes to talk a lot about helping others and doing good things for the underprivileged. Moreover, he even talks a lot about global warming and climate change. He wishes to spread awareness about the harmful effects of cutting down trees and the benefits of saving water and abides by the policy of reuse, reduce, and recycle.

And explain how you feel about this person.

Every time I talk to him, I am assured that there are good people in the world. He gives me satisfaction, contentment, and peace of mind. I feel like I’m in a heaven of peace and tranquility whenever we meet.


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: “Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.”.

Effective communication skills are essential in almost every aspect of life, whether in personal relationships, education, or the workplace. These skills facilitate understanding, collaboration, and the building of trust and respect among individuals

2. Are you talkative?

Yes, I’m a talkative person. I love to share my feelings and thoughts with others.

3. Are most Indian people talkative?

India is a diverse country with a vast array of cultures, languages, religions, and social practices, making it challenging to generalize about the behavior of its people, including their talkativeness.

4. In what jobs do employees need to be talkative? 

Jobs that require high levels of interaction with people often necessitate employees to be talkative and possess strong communication skills. Roles in sales, customer service, hospitality, and public relations typically demand employees engage actively and effectively with customers or clients, often initiating conversations to meet their needs, solve problems, or promote products and services. Similarly, teachers, therapists, and healthcare professionals need to be talkative to convey information, provide guidance, and establish trustful relationships with their students, clients, or patients.

5. Should children be encouraged to talk more? 

Of course, encouraging children to talk more can be beneficial for their language development and social skills. It helps them express their thoughts and feelings, enhances their ability to communicate with others, and contributes to their cognitive development. By engaging in conversations, children learn to listen, understand, and interact with the world around them, laying the foundation for successful interpersonal relationships and academic achievements.





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