Pioneer Of English Latest Cue Cards Jan to Apr 2024 Describe a place there was a lot of noise?

Describe a place there was a lot of noise?

Cue Card- a place where there is a lot of noise

Describe a place there was a lot of noise? IELTS Cue Card

You should say:

  • When this happened?

  • Where it was?

  • Why there was a lot of noise?

  • Explain what you did when you heard the noise?

Sample Answer 1:


It is apodictic to say that, noise pollution has becoming a pressing problem these days. It is not only a threat for our current generation but also its posterity. Today, i would like to talk about a time where I experienced an uproar

When this happened?

It happened last week, when I went to a street market which is just a few distance away from my hometown.

Where it was?

Its one of the renowned market in Jyoti chownk named Bhairon bazaar

Why there was a lot of noise?

It’s a very popular market in Jalandhar. A large number of customers visit this place regularly to buy amenities and it’s usually over-crowded on weekends. Moreover, the festive season was around the corner. As a result, people from every nook and corner of the city as well as from nearby areas were gathering here to shop.

Cue Card- a place where there is a lot of noise

Explain what you did when you heard the noise?

The day I visited this makes, I could see that each and every shop was full and thronging with customers. The shouts of the sellers, a tumult between customers and street vendors and discussion of merchants over various issues made it a tumultuous place. So, in order to maintain my calm and composure in this place, I put on my headphones and started listening to my favorite music. This did not only help me to get rid from that uproar but also aided me to relieve myself. As we known, modern era is an era of stress and strain, struggle and strife, so relaxation, rejuvenation and recreation is a must otherwise a person becomes mental wretch. So this was the place where I heard a lot of noise.

Some more cue cards:

  1. Describe an occasion when someone and something made noise
  2. Describe a street market in your city
  3. Describe an outdoor or adventure activity you did


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