Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable thing?
You should say:
What valuable thing you lost?
When and where you lost it?
What you did to find it?
Explain how you felt about it?
Well, being a mnemonist, I want to share one incident when I lost the most valuble thing in my life.
What valuable thing have you lost?
It was our family’s generational gold locket passed on to me by my grandmother. It was bedazzled with heart-shaped dreamy blue and lipstick red stones with flawless and unblemished pearls, giving it a sensual glamorous look.
When and where did you lose it?
I lost it during a family trip to the beach with family. As we know, ability to laugh together is the essence of love and the best opportunity for this is provided by family. They provides us with strength and support, courage and confidence, love and affection. This incident happened about five years ago, during the summer vacation. I vividly remember we had gone to the beach early in the morning to enjoy the sun rise. At that time, I was playing with the water waves with my kith and kins. Unfortunately, the locket slipped off from my neck and i didn’t realise that it was gone until we were packing up to leave.

valuable thing
What you did to find that valuable thing?
I searched for it in every nook and corner. Moreover, I also retraced my steps and asked my family member if they had seen it, but nobody had. We also combed the river with the small microhole net. But I was unable to find it.
Explain how you felt about that valuable thing.
I was heartbroken and felt like I had lost my soul (valuable thing) and let my family down. It was not only valuable but also held sentimental value, as it had been passed to me from my grandmother. Whenever I missed my grandmother, I always saw that locket and kissed it. This also helped me to refresh the golden hours that I spent with my grandmother. Furthermore, I feel guilty and responsible for losing something so precious. From that time onwards, I am more mindful and responsible when it comes to taking care of prized possesions. Even though, I also realised that when we lose something precious, the memories and love associated with it can never be lost.
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